Monday, April 16, 2012


In any Red Carpet,there are those who shine...and others who ...well,just miss it!This is my opinion on who dressed badly,who had a wardrobe malfunction..and who just needed a stylist to put things better...ENJOY!
 The winner for the WORST DRESSED at KTMA 2012 is Luisa Mbutu...Excuse me Ms. where exactly were you going?? A dress for a 10 year old kid,utterly awful skinny tights,...HELP ME GOD!!Let me stop there...
 These two...decided to have a matching dresses/tops designs..and as per my earlier posts,these tops are just NOT Red Carpet DRESSES...plzzzz!
 Am sure you all remember this girl from my previous posts...the one in PINK!..Yes,that one..well,she decided to rock her Ultra Mimi dress again!! Unfortunately i didn't get a picture of her when she bend,it was shocking!!
 Artists,when you are nominated for an Award,please prepare yourselves! Queen Darlin' (as she calls herself), won an award at KTMA, and it was so embarassing watching her going up the stage to receive it...the Top/Dress was even going above her butts  ;((((((
 This look is wrong in so many ways...first,the girl in Blue had a very beautiful dress,BUT she killed it with her stupid Jeans jacket,and that bag!..And for the one in Black...well,i can SEE through her Bones! Take a closer look...if she was trying to pull off a "Gaga Look" then the jacket was uneccessary.
 Taking something straight from the Runway,you need guts!! And its even worse,when the person wearing the piece on the Red Carpet,is a model!...That is,we tend to expect more from you,Gyver!! This Eskado Bird dress is amazing..BUT those leggings you wore with it,NOT WORKING at all!! It looks as if the top is worn by Gyver,..and the protruding LEG is of a MZUNGU hidden underneath! Plus,the dress itself is long enough,with lots of garments,and a lil' bit of a slit...we needed to see SKIN
Lastly...and quite confusing,is this look by Bibi Cheka,the grand mama who just joined the Hip Hop music family!..She appeared on the red carpet like this...and i guess it was supposed to look cool,BUT it backfired!!

That's it...See you next time on the Red Carpet....

Coming Next- Celebrity Looks from KTMA

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